Ultra High-End Collector Estate Sale in Exclusive Belle Isle Area

9am to 3pm
1pm to 4pm
Key Directions
Parking will only be on one side of the street– look for signs. We recommend that you do not park on Ross, as it is a through street and will be very busy. There are two side streets, 58th & 59th, which will be much easier to park on. This home is small so there will be strict limitations on the number of customers allowed in at one time. We will implement a numbering system, as we have at recent sales. Please do not crowd rooms and give each other and the staff space. Please park appropriately and legally.
We are required to comply with the mask ordinance of Oklahoma City. Therefore, we require a mask to enter the sale and to wear while shopping. If you feel sick, have possible symptoms, or have been exposed, stay home. We will be taking extra precautions by limiting the number of shoppers in the sale at any given time.
Large Items
Baker dining table with eight chairs; Baker Mid-Century campaign serving butlers tray; Baker Empire-style desk; McGuire rattan dining set with glass-top table; La Barge table; antique painted Edward VIII chairs; Baker Country French gentleman’s chest; Country French chairs; gilt mirrors; Kittinger desk; Victorian marble-topped dresser
Nice Pieces and Collectibles
Two Marc Chagall lithographs; large Herend centerpiece; Baccarat; Lalique; Tiffany crystal; Steuben; soapstone carvings; Satsuma vase; American Brilliant Cut crystal; amazing silverplate; Staffordshire dogs; historic U.S. Navy epaulettes; terracotta foo dogs; Limoge boxes; Asian lamps; Asian screens; knife case ca. 1800; Minton china; Beleek; Towle tray; Italian pottery; Arthur Court; Spode;
Flow Blue china; silver vanity set; Chinoiserie mirror; Art Deco flower frog; Royal Crown Derby Imari; French clocks; cloisonné; cinnabar; Russian boxes; sterling; Murano; Peking enamel bowls; Asian décor; original art; antique statuary; bronze bookends; antique clocks
Bose stereo; OU yearbooks; quilt racks

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Full Price
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 25% off
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 50% off
Address released the day before the sale.