Mid-Century Modern Windsor Hills Estate Sale by James Bean Estate Sales

9am to 3pm
1pm to 4pm
Large Items:
Mid-Century Modern dresser; great media console; two waterfall desks; Mid-Century Modern pair of chairs; Drexel Esperanto buffet; French Bergere chair; futon; dresser; recliner; king headboard; queen mattress; computer desk; tufted chairs;
Lift chair; red and blue recliners; sofas; swivel rockers; breakfast room table; Baldwin Acrosonic piano; console stereo; end tables; Drexel table; huge dining table with 6 chairs;
Maytag Neptune washer; Maytag dryer; freestanding trash compactor; Amana fridge; Frigidaire freezer; Roper fridge.
Collectible Items:
Quilts; Simplicity 12” pattern doll; china; 1950s bamboo China; costume jewelry; B.B. gun; funky lamps; ukulele; Lenox; Tupperware; vintage collectibles; vintage toys; records.
Misc. Items:
Lots of vintage things; books; shoes; file cabinet; pictures; ladies clothing; larger ladies clothing size 22; 1X 2X; sheet music; patio furniture; card tables; folding chairs;
Ladders; books and cool books; kit chairs; lots of kitchen wares; hand tools; baby walker; playing cards; work bench; Christmas tree and decor; ceiling fans; vintage Halloween decor.

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Full Price
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 25% off
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 50% off
Address released the day before the sale.