Great Northwest OKC Estate Sale by M&M Estate Sales

9am to 3pm
10am to 3pm
OKC North of 122nd & East of May Ave Both units of this North OKC luxury duplex are filled with furniture, art, decor, and appliances. Contents include; 2015 Toyota Sienna Van, leather electric recliners, MCM style chairs, lamps, Asian display, mantle, trunk, Wassily style chair, tulip table, vintage bar, unique antique display cabinets, dining table set, full kitchen, Samsung Food ShowCase fridge,
Korean Tansu style chest, Elite adj. bed, Duncan Phyfe dresser, small Victorian upholstered chairs, bookcases, Mother of Pearl Asian cocktail table set, vintage secretary, Rock & Roll albums/45’s & 8 tracks, 1960’s vintage magazine collection, books/dvd/cd, Speed Queen w/d, TempurPedic adj., gold metal headboard, YoungLiving, jewelry, minks, clothes, antique clock, patio furniture, pots, KitchenAid frig, Samsung 3 door frig, Whirlpool dryer, vintage Ethan Allen furniture, iron stove, concrete large planters, modern chase, holiday, king sleigh bed, small armoire, GE freezer, modern dining chair sets, and two full garages! SIGN UP Sign up 1hr prior to open DETAILS Cash and credit/debit accepted No valuables on site until day of say. Security: Uniformed Officer on duty. Please do not block driveways or mailboxes. Vehicles will be towed.
Saturday: 9 am - 3 pm
Sunday: 10 am - 3 pm
Hidden for past sales.