Clean Eagle Cliff Norman Estate Sale by James Bean Estate Sales

9am to 3pm
1pm to 4pm
Large Items:
70” Sharp Aquos flat panel TV; new Frigidaire Professional French-door refrigerator (paid $2,200 six-months-old); high-end corner hot tub with lots of jets; futon; king-size sleigh bed with drawers in the base; almost new Ashley sectional; new Ashley end-tables; Kenmore washer and dryer; bookcase;
Wingback chair with ottoman; rugs; black kitchen table and chair set; recliner; new dresser and nightstands; sofa tables; bench; stainless bar stools; grill; vinyl wicker furniture; patio furniture; drop-front secretary; DVD cabinet; mudroom bench; garage fridge
Apple Watch (Series 1); Brighton and Fendi watch; Lukas silver coins; gold jewelry; comic books; proof sets; Tiger Woods signed golf ball; lots of charming home décor; photography equipment; camera and accessories; white Ceramic Christmas tree; Corningware; cedar chest
Misc. Items:
Books; stain remover pet vacuum; DVDs; CDs; Dell laptop and computer; Epson printer; Keurig; nice kitchenware items; nice ladies clothing; knives; nice pots; wheelbarrow; lots of garden tools; dolly; ladder; mini trampoline;
Wine fridge with dual zone cooling; hexagonal aquarium; chemicals; hand tools; power tools; blower; edger; Skill saw; radiator heater; lots of nice stuff; frames

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Full Price
1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 25% off
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. 50% off
Address released the day before the sale.